Man Tries To Kill Himself Inside bank After His money Was Released To Hackers By The Bank [Video]

Man Tries To Kill Himself Inside bank

Man Tries To Kill Himself Inside bank After His money Was Released To Hackers By The Bank [ read below to see the Video]

A Nigerian gentleman was videotaped while trying to commit suicide in a Nigerian banking hall because the bank let cyber fraudsters take money from his bank account.

In the video which was circulating on social media, some bank executives were seen attempting to pacify him as he fastened a wire roundabout his neck to kill himself.

Baes on the account of one Facebook user, who posted the video online, the cyber hackers succeeded in having access into the man’s bank account and removed over 450,000.00 Naira and this prompted him to visit his bank. The bank tracked and froze the cyber hacker’s bank account.

After the transaction was blocked successfully, he was asked by the bank to get a court affidavit to confirm that he was not the one who performed the N450,000.00 transaction. However, after getting the court paper, he was told that the N450,000.00 has been released to the hacker by unfreezing the cyber hacker’s bank account.

This left him devastated and maddened, which make him decide to create a fuss at the bank about the incident.



NB: you need a VPN to watch the video if you are a resident of Nigeria because the Nigerian govt has banned Twitter. see the video below

Man Tries To Kill Himself Inside bank After His money Was Released To Hackers By The Bank [ read below to see the Video]

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