Is Adolf Hitler In Nigeria? Man in Kano Nigeria seen Displaying the swastika on his old Volkswagen car

According to a Twitter post currently trending on Twitter, an old Volkswagen car was seen with the swastika on it. The car was being driven on the road of Kano state when the Twitter user saw it. The poster was surprised as to why someone will have a hate symbol on their car in these modern times. Please continue to read to know what the swastika stands for. See the tweet and image of this old Volkswagen below:

what does the swastika stand for?
The swastika is a symbol that was used by the Nazi Party in Germany during World War II. It has become a symbol of hate and intolerance and is associated with the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime, including the Holocaust.
It is highly inappropriate and offensive to display the swastika symbol, as it is associated with hate and intolerance and has a deeply troubling history.
Its display is prohibited in many countries and is generally considered unacceptable. It is important to remember the suffering and harm that the use of this symbol has caused and to strive to create a society that is inclusive and respectful of all people, regardless of their background or identity.