Today’s Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate In The Black Market. From your Number 1 Exchange Rate Information Page

Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate

This page is dedicated to Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate in Nigeria's Black Market. We will help get the average dollar to Naira exchange rate in the Nigeria black market daily so that you can use the information for yourself as you wish.

Catch a glimpse of today’s Dollar to Naira Exchange rate at the black market in Nigeria and aboki fx. So How much is Today's Dollar to Naira exchange rate, on the 6th of September 2022? A typical Nigerian will always convert his or her dollar to Naira at these black market exchange rates. Most times before you convert your dollars, you will want to check online from various market rates from different dollar exchange black market locations across Nigeria before going to sell your dollars to anyone.

However, We want you to bear in mind that CBN (the Central Bank of Nigeria) does not acknowledge the dollar to Niara black market (parallel market) rate. The Central Bank of Nigeria also advised people interested in Forex to contact their individual banks before going to do any forex transaction.

Today's Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate In The Black Market

Dollar converting to Naira (USD ⇌ NGN)Black Market Dollar TO Naira Exchange Rate Today
Dollar Selling Rate700 to 710
Dollar Buying Rate680 to 695
Dollar to Naira (USD ⇌ NGN)CBN Dollar Official Exchange Rate Today
Dollar Selling Rate417
Dollar Buying Rate417

Disclaimer: At, we are not giving a guarantee that the rates listed here are perfect because the Dollar to Naira rate fluctuates every time depending on how much demand is placed on the dollar in direct proportion to the availability of the dollars.